Electrical systems that perform.

Daily life demands clean, dependable power. Whether manufacturing, commercial or residential, our experienced teams mobilize quickly to provide emergency response and repair any time day or night. Our professionals stand ready to assist with needs ranging from vast facility infrastructure and equipment needs to simple in-home electrical needs. In addition, our maintenance and preventive services offer a proactive approach to preventing power interruptions, minimizing utility costs, protecting equipment, optimizing capacity and much more.

Customer Markets

Assisted Care Facilities
Data Centers
High-Rise Buildings
Office Buildings
Retail Facilities
Universities and Schools

Performance Solutions

Responded to a catastrophic manufacturing line failure in the middle of the night and had them back up and running at full capacity in less than 24 hours.
Manufacturing Customer Blythewood, SC
Performed emergency repairs to damaged municipal lift stations day and night to prevent overflows and contaminated ground water.
Columbia Area Municipal Customer
We migrated a hospital’s fire pump feeder from an obsolete switchboard to a new switchboard with ZERO electrical downtime.
Columbia, SC Hospital
Coordinated a building-wide shutdown to clean and inspect transformers and switchgear to limit future failures.
High Rise Building, Columbia SC
Uncovered a melting panel component during an infrared survey. We repaired the panel before it failed, potentially saving lives.
Florence, SC Health Services Provider
Diagnosed an incompatibility between a data rack UPS system and power coming from a new generator. This helped prevent an unforeseen blackout of a statewide system.
South Carolina State Agency